my world

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Do you know what I learnt last night?...yeah..’Never say never’. Life will knock you down..sure, but you can choose whether or not to get back up.

Just saw the Karate Kid, and what I think is, ‘no matter where you find yourself in this life, no matter what life dish you, there is always a friend close by ready to help, ready to out you through if you let them. so who says we cant survive anywhere? Huh?

My golden moment was the last battle….when the kid used what he wasn’t even taught to win himself the last point. He learned by observation. So, pay attention to little details people. AM SIGNING OUT

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A friend said on Face Book

If you leave ur life to God, it'll end a mess, that's y he made you human, u have like power, authority, resources n emotions... so take charge of all dat happens to and around u..if u dont bliv ask God himself

I feel in the beginning... when God gave dominion of earth to man, he lot his dominion over it, he sold earth to man, which means he can not just come and take dominion/control again like he did when he was creating the world. And why do you think we pray hum, see there is nothing God can not do, but he won’t do it until you invite him.
God owns our life true, but he wont control it for us. the first Adam and Eve had already broken that privileged(now we know the difference between good and survive is up to us) that is why it is only those that are close to him that live good.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why was that tree in the Garden of Eden forbidden?? Just curious.

A friend of mine asked on FB and this was my response!/akanbi.olushola?v=wall&story_fbid=153379434691137
Now as to why the tree is forbidden. First the tree is just conscience, it helps you the difference between good and evil. In fact, God used the Tree to test the first Man and Woman to see if they truly love and obey Him. And we must know that obeying him is just for our own good cos when we are faced with the real situations in life (the good and bad of life) we might not be that strong.
Secondly, why is it forbidden?…..u must know that; life and relationship without true test is fake. The yard stick that makes you know how devoted you are is how good you can fight temptation. Life is good when you are given good odds, but is sucks cos you wont know how good are really doing, but when there is temptation and you still stay faithful , then you can say Yes…I Think Am Doing Good. God wanted to know if the first human really loved him…and I guess he was disappointed. Which is why it’s up to us to make things right. Our today, my today, your today is his second chance. Don’t blow it.