my world

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Do you know what I learnt last night?...yeah..’Never say never’. Life will knock you down..sure, but you can choose whether or not to get back up.

Just saw the Karate Kid, and what I think is, ‘no matter where you find yourself in this life, no matter what life dish you, there is always a friend close by ready to help, ready to out you through if you let them. so who says we cant survive anywhere? Huh?

My golden moment was the last battle….when the kid used what he wasn’t even taught to win himself the last point. He learned by observation. So, pay attention to little details people. AM SIGNING OUT

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A friend said on Face Book

If you leave ur life to God, it'll end a mess, that's y he made you human, u have like power, authority, resources n emotions... so take charge of all dat happens to and around u..if u dont bliv ask God himself

I feel in the beginning... when God gave dominion of earth to man, he lot his dominion over it, he sold earth to man, which means he can not just come and take dominion/control again like he did when he was creating the world. And why do you think we pray hum, see there is nothing God can not do, but he won’t do it until you invite him.
God owns our life true, but he wont control it for us. the first Adam and Eve had already broken that privileged(now we know the difference between good and survive is up to us) that is why it is only those that are close to him that live good.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why was that tree in the Garden of Eden forbidden?? Just curious.

A friend of mine asked on FB and this was my response!/akanbi.olushola?v=wall&story_fbid=153379434691137
Now as to why the tree is forbidden. First the tree is just conscience, it helps you the difference between good and evil. In fact, God used the Tree to test the first Man and Woman to see if they truly love and obey Him. And we must know that obeying him is just for our own good cos when we are faced with the real situations in life (the good and bad of life) we might not be that strong.
Secondly, why is it forbidden?…..u must know that; life and relationship without true test is fake. The yard stick that makes you know how devoted you are is how good you can fight temptation. Life is good when you are given good odds, but is sucks cos you wont know how good are really doing, but when there is temptation and you still stay faithful , then you can say Yes…I Think Am Doing Good. God wanted to know if the first human really loved him…and I guess he was disappointed. Which is why it’s up to us to make things right. Our today, my today, your today is his second chance. Don’t blow it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

its high time i start my copywriting experience too

Three years ago when i finished my higher National Diploma from the Nigeria Institute of Nigeria I so much wanted to work with an advertising agency because when there I will be able to show my creative prowess. but after some month and i could land a job(based on the fact that i didn't have previous knowledge of advertising) I was disappointed. I felt like 'to hell with them' I can still do it without them. so instead of advertising i shifted my creativity to TV and Radio Production.

I develop TV and Radio concept, and with the little money i make from designing wedding albums I go to the studio to execute them. due to my networking i was able to get get things done cheaply(but mostly it was a trade by batter thing) i design for them, help them develop a concept and they give me discounted studio time. I partnered with my presenter so i didn't have to pay him. It was tough I must say, but I finally made a pilot programme for a Radio show called "the dual mix show" and a Tv entertainment show. With these materials in hand I walked into many TV and Radio stations I had contacts with but none could help me. My contacts weren't high in the rank enough I guess. But I discovered one good lesson during that period that it may be had getting things done here if you don’t have a strong contact and if you don’t have money but good strategies can help you penetrate.

So with this in mind I decided to push my advert agency job a little harder. With three years on copy writing and graphics freelancing, working with a Production company, a Cable TV station and a weekly magazine, I finally found my self in an advert agency.

After being on training for four (4) months now, I am now a full staff. And that is where the journey beings. And let me start by saying that the advert industry in Nigeria is nothing like what I have imagined. but I wont let you imagine it too, rather I will share my experience soon

Friday, July 2, 2010

the principle of prayer

The same climax level a sexual intercourse takes a man and woman is what prayer will give you with God. The climax is getting to that secret place where the heart beat of God dwells….when you get to that realm you hear God speak with you, just like the way your partner mourns when he or she is satisfied.

So you must abide in him. Joh 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Psa 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. The secret place here is open to very one who want to discover it. And prayer is that act that will take you there. But how do you get to that place? The Big question? No, we just have to know how.

Mind you, you don’t have to be intimidated by beautiful and big words of others; there are certain things God expect to see in your prayers for things to happen for you. So how do you know your prayer is been answered and you are not just blabbing. It is an act you need to learn.

Do we really know what prayer is?

Ask yourself this question first? But I think the key word in prayer is ‘Relationship’. Prayer gives that intimate relationship with God; it will make your conversation with him effective. John 15:7.
Prayer is an attitude of deep dependency on God. Prayer is a means of having intimate communication with God the father, who has promised to walk in and through us.

Ok, do we know the Genesis of Prayer?

What I mean is how come prayer came into existence? How come we need to pray at all? We will find this in Genesis 1:26-27. Where God said “lets make man in our own image after our own likeness” the ‘us’ here is God the father asking God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Let us create a physical version of us. (God the father is the performer, God is the son is the word and God the Holy Spirit is the executor). Then he said, “Lets man have dominion” and at that very minute, God lost dominion over Earth, he sold Earth to man, and that means he can not just come and take dominion again like he did when he was creating the world.

In verse 28, God empowered man to be faithful. He gave man the power to exercise dominion. There is nothing going on in your life that he can not do, but he won’t do it until you invite him and that can only be done through prayer. Take Noah for instance; when God wanted to destroy the world, he needed somebody to help him carry out some instructions. He had to show Noah what he planned and how the good ones can be saved. The same is applicable to Moses and the Israelites in Egypt.

So you see there wouldn’t have been any need for prayer if he had not sold the dominion of Earth to man. So with Prayer, God will have access to come down and intercede for you. But don’t get it wrong, God can do anything, but I feel just being a man of principle that he is. If he intervened, things would have been more predictable, life won’t be balanced and man will be lazy.

So I really wish we can really see ourselves how God sees us. He wants us to take charge over everything he created….they are there for us to command. So from now on, you need to believe in yourself and God that you are a controller of the Universe and nothing can stop the flow of your day because the elements in life are there for you to command. Even God can’t have control over you except you invite him to.

So what are the things we set to gain if we pray?

God’s help: Like I said he can only help when you invite him. So his help through the power of prayer is available for all kinds of request and issues. Philip 4:6-7
The power of prayers overcomes the enemy Psalm 6:9-10. It conquers death. It brings healing
It defeats the demons. It opens eyes and changes heart. By this I mean, it open your eyes to things in the spiritual realm, it gives you power to see with your third eye. It also draws on the glory and might’s of the powerful God of the universe.

When I was young I felt the ‘Lord prayer’ is an alternative to prayer if we don’t know how to pray. But do you know what I just discovered? The Lord prayer is a guild to how we should pray. Luke 11:1-4. Let me try and break it down as I was taught

“Our father” here, he is talking about the relationship. Most of us don’t know that God is our father. If you want to enjoy him more, see him more as a father. But most of us still see him as a God - a strict old man with a stick in his hand. He is strict quite alright, but not as a God but as a father. Jesus said, “Our Father which art in heaven” here, he wants us to experience the fatherhood of God. And as long as you continue like he is just a God you can not enjoy the relationship. Like a father he feels your pains and weakness and no matter how grievous your sin is (the devil may want to worsen your case) don’t ever be afraid to go back to his throne of grace.

“Hallowed be thy name”. And mind you, God head swells when you acknowledge him as a father( for who he is, for what he has done and what he is going to do), when you pray call his names lovely, when you start like that, he will always want to hear you.

“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth”, here you are inviting him to come down to Earth, and be lord over your life. Consciously, you are submitting your will to God to come and intercede for you.

“Give us day by day our daily bread”. After you have express your love and worship him, then you can now ask him for things you need for the day. Just for that day…..take your step one-by-one
“And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us”. This is a conditional statement. Forgive me if I forgive others. So remember when you ask for God’s forgiveness, you will be forgiven if you have forgiven all that offends you. One major hindrance to prayer is forgiveness.

So what are now the ingredients of prayer?

Faith, have talked about this previously, this is what prayers and your relationship with God thrives on

Humility, god resists the proud. Remember that.

You must yield yourself to him. Completely abandon your will to him

Facing reality and no pretence, tell God the way things are, remember, he knows about it before you come to him. Tell him how you fee
Facing reality and no pretence, tell God the way things are, remember, he knows about it before you come to him. Tell him how you feel, if you feel the burden is too much, let him know he will surely help.

Compassion for other people or people with lost souls. Most of us are in the habit of praying for themselves alone, but no it shouldn’t be. Pray for your friends, identify with their pains, success in your prayer. Heb 13:3

Be expectant

Your state of mind must be right. Every sin, known or unknown must be dealt with

Finally, how do God answer prayers?

I guess I will that for us. I don’t want to make this a one-way talk anymore, am imploring you to share your individual experience with us. Will love to hear about it

No Christian worker(a worker in church) can be fully effective without a ready knowledge of the Bible

It is scarcely possible to exaggerate the value of the Bible. The Holy Scriptures were designed to provide men with all things pertaining to life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3), and to furnish, Christians workers must completely devote themselves unto every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

A man of God is appealing for men who will be God's true co-workers not men who have a certain Christian status; but men according to the Christian norm, who through discipline have been brought into harmony with God's own nature and can therefore; meet His need in the world today.”

Diligent: The daily life of a Christian worker is intimately related to his work. For this reason, in considering the qualifications necessary for Christian service, we need to consider questions of disposition and conduct. To qualify for spiritual service a man must not only have a certain amount of spiritual experience, he must have a certain kind of character. A worker's character must be suited to the character of the work, and the development of a man's character does not take place in a day.
Have you ever known an effective Christian worker who was indolent? No, they are all diligent and always on the alert lest they squander time or strength. They are not always looking for an opportunity to rest, but rather seek to buy up every opportunity to serve the Lord.

Look at the Apostles. How diligent they were! Think of the colossal amount of work Paul accomplished in a lifetime. See him traveling from place to place, preaching the gospel wherever he goes.

Stability: this is another quality that must be found in the life of every Christian worker. Many Christians unfortunately are very changeable. Their moods change with the weather, so that at times they become the plaything of circumstance; consequently they are unreliable. Their intentions are good, but because they are emotionally unstable, they frequently lose their poise.

Love of the brethren is a basic essential in the life of every Christian worker, but not less essential is love of all mankind. Solomon said: "He who mocks the poor reproaches his maker" (Prov. 17:5). God is the Creator of all men, and no person is fit to be His servant who dislikes or despises any one of them.
The act of listening: anyone who wishes to serve the Lord must acquire the habit of listening to what people say, and not just listening in a perfunctory manner, but listening attentively with the object of hearing and understanding what is said

Subjectivity is another defect in the character of some Christian workers which has an adverse effect on the work. We have already mentioned one of the directions in which its baneful effects manifest themselves - the inability to hear. As we pointed out, it is essential for every Christian worker to cultivate the ability to hear what people have to say; otherwise they have no means of getting to know their fellows and are consequently unable to serve them.

But being human beings that we are we can’t have these qualities without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Meditating upon the bible will grow our knowledge. But to do that a worker must know the value of studying the bible.

The Bible is the only source of valid knowledge as to the origin of the human family. The baseless theory of evolution is so riddled with such a vast variety of factual inaccuracies that it assaults the analytical ability of any thinking person. The Scriptures provide the only explanation for man’s purpose upon the planet.

Without knowledge of the Bible, human beings are bereft of any religious or moral compass to direct the affairs of life. So, without an objective code of conduct, which stands apart from our own conscience, we do not have the sufficient motivation for exalted living. David stored the word of God in his heart that he might not sin against his Maker (Psa. 119:11), because, as Jeremiah observed, “it is not in man that walks to direct his own steps” (Jer. 10:23). Moreover, without adequate information concerning “the Way” (Acts 9:2; 19:9,23; 22:4; 24:14,22), we become the victims of religious confusion.

And to study the bible effective we must understand that studying Bible is not a random process; rather, it is a science. So it is important and helpful to know something of the author of a biblical book or passage and as well as it is imperative that the student know something of the background of a particular book or passage with which he is dealing, if he is to appreciate the full impact of the text.

Unless one understands, for example, that Jeremiah was attempting to prevent Judah from having to suffer the Babylonian Captivity, or that Ezekiel was warning his people against the false hope of an early return from Chaldea, he scarcely appreciates the thrust of these inspired documents. In studying Psalm 51, which is saturated with tears of penitence, it is helpful to know the background story about David’s adulterous relationship with the provocative Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11 & 12). In understanding this it will help guild us in our actions as well.

Conclusively, we cannot but mention that if the church of today was a more studious body, she would not be plagued with as many problems as she now encounters. Knowledge is a powerful antidote to error. Let us encourage one another to return to the thrilling adventures within the Word of God.

The Truth about Wisdom

Wise and godly men, in every age of the world, and rank in society, agree that true wisdom consists in obedience, and is united to happiness. Get wisdom, take pains for it. Get the rule over thy corruptions; take more pains to get this than the wealth of this world. An interest in Christ's salvation is necessary. This wisdom is the one thing needful. A soul without true wisdom and grace is a dead soul. Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
The most difficult thing to do is to get men to attend to instruction. And what they don’t understand is paying attention to the words of Christ, that it will guide the most ignorant into saving knowledge of the truth. This time around I will be sharing with us an understanding of the term ‘Wisdom’. Wisdom was clearly described in Proverbs chapter 8. Wisdom was what God use to create the heaven and the earth. And those that possess this wisdom will come to do things with ease.

Wisdom is the difference between all things. It’s the difference between wealth and poverty, health and sickness, white and black. In a sense wisdom is laying hold on God’s word… the word he spoke in Gen 1:3 And God said, let there be light: and there was light. from God’s word you will know which way to go and how to handle situation to make them produce desired result. And remember God’s way is far different from ours take Isaiah 55:8-9 for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

And its not possible for you to have the mind of Christ and not know what button to press for the deal to come through or the right things to say at the interview to enable you secure that job. Do you know that when you accepted Jesus as your savior the spirit of wisdom was already upon you? but some don’t know this so they need to stir it up from within. In 2 timothy 1:6 God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, of courage and resolution, to meet difficulties and dangers; the spirit of love to him, which will carry us through opposition.

How Do You Activate God’s Wisdom?

Let us all be wise, and not refuse such mercy. Blessed are those who hear the Saviour's voice, and wait on him with daily reading, meditation, and prayer. For those of us who know that we have the gift in us and use it well, I say well done. But those of us who don’t, you may ask yourself how do you stir this wisdom that you have in you (you have it by right as a virtue of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross for you)

First, you need to meditate; if you want to learn the things of God, and be assured of them, you must know the Holy Scriptures, for the words in the bible are the divine revelations
The prophets and apostles did not speak from themselves, but delivered what they received of God, 2Peter 1:21. It is profitable for all purposes of the Christian life. It is of use to all, for all need to be taught, corrected, and reproved.

There is something in the Scriptures suitable for every case. And I think you’ve heard this saying before that there is nothing new under the sky, what ever it is you are going through someone has already gone through it before. So the bible is like an antidote for your peculiar case.

Do you know that the greatest kindness you can do to children is to make them early to know the Bible? The earlier they seek him the better. Till today I still wonder how different things would have been for me if I had been this passionate about God right from when I was young (I was though but I missed it along the way) but I believe all is still well because he said I will run, I will overtake and I will recover all that has been lost to me. Sorry, back to our meditation.

Inspiration comes by meditating, the more you read the more u understand. To meditate in God's word, is to discourse with ourselves concerning the great things contained in it, with close application of mind and fixedness of thought. Psa 1:2-3 but his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth am a testimony of God’s word, he has made me wise than my enemies.

Meditation is necessary to make a good decision. for example, if you want to build a dog house, you don’t need to meditate, as you build or describe what you want to the carpenter ideas comes, but when you want to build a your mansion, you need to meditate on the type of structure you want. Likewise when you are making an important decision in life, you need to take time and meditate with God.

The greater the problem you have the more opportunity you have to make it in life because the power of your wisdom will be in great use. I don’t know if you notice but I realize that the more we live the more life gets complicated but we are fashioned in such a way that as life gets complicated the more our brain gets shaper to handle it. So when you relate it with what I am saying you will realize that the more you meditate on God’s word, the more he reveals himself to you.

Secondly, Mat 15:29 And Jesus departed from thence, and came nigh unto the sea of Galilee; and went up into a mountain, and sat down there. Can you guess? Jesus did this all the time; he was always going away from his disciples to pray. Another way to activates God’s wisdom is to enquire in prayer. When you go to God in prayer, he will always give you the word you need to get that thing done. (but at the back on your mind remember faith….you need to believe when you go talk with him)

Lastly, commitment to studying and learning; your expanded knowledge of God determines the amount of blessing you get from him. Have you ever wonder why your pastor, that you look up to, is so blessed? He has so much studied God’s word; he knows which word to use when he is faced with any challenges. When your relationship with God is so close there is nothing the devil can do with your mind. So friends if you’ve not activated your God’s giving wisdom, do it NOW!!!
I went through a bible school in March and it had been a wonderful experience for me. There is even a difference in me I can tell. Sometimes I feel selfish. Did you say why? Have never had any close relationship with anyone like I have with God…..I know you will say DAH! See it takes faith for you to feel, hear, speak with and even love someone you can’t see or touch literally. I feel selfish because have just discovered this new experience and it’s been wonderful ever since and it will be bad if I just keep it to myself. So for some couple of weeks I will be shearing with you what I learned in the bible school. Aside the fact that it will benefit you one way or the other; I will want us to rub minds together, because life is a learning process for every one of us.

Principle of faith
Heb 11:1-6

Before you read on, do you know what faith is? Have you had opportunity to experience it or have your faith being tried in anyway that you know of? O r you know about it but you don’t know if you exercise it? Am sure this will get a lot of mixed feelings but really it takes the grace of God for one to practice a true faith. But in this note from my own understanding we will learn what faith is and how we can apply it in our day-to-day life. And if you know all about faith you can please share yours with us.

Faith is fulfilling scriptural responsibilities or convictions, mind you; faith is not just having convictions but also believing in God. My pastor said faith is taking hold of the word that God has spoken to you as a person, and making that word a substance. So faith is the confident assurance that you have what God said He will do.
Mind you, faith is of the heart and not of the head. And you must act on faith. When God speak a word to you, don’t just fold your hands despite the fact that you believe it’s going to work, you must act on it to work. In Luke 5: 4-5, peter took an act of faith. Jesus ask him to launch his net into the deep, and having toiled all night and not being able to catch a fish Peter said “never the less, at your word I will let down the net” he took an action and obeyed despite his profession in fishing he did not doubt the word he heard.

Ok now let’s talk about you; do you know God have a vision for you? If you know, have you discovered yours? (Am still going to talk about vision in the course of the study) faith is all you need to accomplish God’s vision for your life. In Habakkuk 2:3 God’s vision for us is set for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak. So you need faith in God to wait for that time. And your level of faith determines your placement in destiny. In Matthew 9: 29 Jesus, having touched the two blind men said “according to your faith be it to you” in other words, what you receive from God is according to your level of faith.

Do you know that faith is the most powerful force in the universe? It determines where you are, the testimonies you receive in life Heb 11:1-3. And I so much like what verse 6 said, it says “for without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he that comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” so it takes faith for you to even rapport with God. So the greater your faith the greater the exploit you will do.

Sometimes I just think some Christians are too familiar with church routines and God that they slack on their level of faith with God. They say they believe God but they don’t act on what they believe in. take Peter in Matt 14: 22-31 for instance, the disciples saw Jesus walking on water, Peter ask Jesus to bid him to come to him on the water (mind you, if he didn’t believe he wouldn’t have ask Jesus to ask him to come) and Jesus said he should come, Peter acted on that word and he was able to walk on water but his faith wavered and he began to sink. Jesus pulled him out and said “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” but do you know what I think from this, I think Peter was just being too familiar with Jesus, am sure he looked at Jesus, then look back at the water and himself walking on it with the wind blowing all around him, picturing himself walking on the water just didn’t fit him. That might be the point he started doubting. Check it; most Christians are like that too. Don’t try to think for God, your mind can’t phantom how God works. All you need is to just believe and act on it, because faith without works is dead. Mark 11:24.

From my faith class have come to know that faith is made up three things

• Knowledge of the word of God, this does not come by prayer, like most Nigerians do, Nigerians are praying Christians. Knowledge comes through the word. Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Faith comes by hearing and hearing of the word of God. Ask around, everybody that act in faith act on what he/she heard. Settle with the word of God until it rings in your heart.
• Believe, when you have taken hold of God’s word for life, you believe in it. Heb 11:6
• And again you must trust him completely, irrespective of what your five senses are telling you. Numbers 23:19, God is not a man that should lie….as He said, shall he not do it?

Do you know how does faith operates? Like I said earlier, know that faith beings from the heart in Romans 10:10 for with the heart, man believes to righteousness… God deals with us based on our heart, but remember devil can put doubt in your head but your heart must stay focus. If you are faced with a challenge in your work, family, health in any area, rapport with God, quip yourself with his word because remember the answer you give to challenges must be spiritual and not just mere words so be careful of what you confess with your mouth.
So, once you believe in your heart (Mark 11:24 says, therefore I say to you, what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them) confess it and act upon what you confess.

Before I round up, let me quickly talk about the two secrets that will makes things work out for you, that toady’s God’s people are seriously missing out on. It’s the POWER TWINS; Faith and Patient, I remember saying that faith is the most powerful force on earth but do you know that patient is the force you need to put your faith in place. This is where many people fail, they think God’s word does not work, but it did work, patient is all they need to have, but people are not ready to persevere until answer comes. See 2Peter 3:8-9. You must understand that every great thing must be tired, your faith will be tried but you must be patient. Just understand this principle…you need faith to start it, and you need patient to finish what you started. Psalm 62:5 my soul, wait you only upon God, for my expectation is from Him.

So why rush because some close to is driving the car you so much want, your business is not working the way you want it, all your friends are married and you seems not have found the right person, you are still living in a one-room apartment. It’s the end that justifies the means.

I believe your change is coming, but you will have to wait. And remember, devil will always play with your mind but you need to hold onto God’s word and stand by it. Let me tell you my experience, it is when I start to believe that something have been asking for is answered that things around me seems not to be working. At that point, its God’s grace that put me back on track. Its not I easy my friends but you will have to start from somewhere. Don’t wait until you want something major from God, start from small decisions you need to take.

So have come to learn that trials from devil do nothing for my faith but rather it develops my patient. Like I said, it’s not easy I must say it takes His grace.

Like I said am not writing o excite you but to pass across what I have learned. Its been useful for me and I now it will benefit you too. So if you have questions, suggestions or contributions please do reply. Thanks.


God made me beautiful...the curves, lumps, valleys, textures.. and he is so proud and protective of me, but there are times when I want that special person to make love to me and make me feel am in heaven. but 'NO' God said, now I see why, nobody and not even you pumpkin is has the right to it yet, until he has gone to make a vow to my heavenly father to BE AN ANGEL SENT FROM HEAVEN, to love, protect,provide, care for me, invite me into his life, stay with me in times of wealth, in times of need (you know, have a chance to play a mini God's role) only but then will God not be mad at me, even if we have sex as a three course meal for breakfast, lunch and Oh and of course am not exempted, if i want to make pumpkin's head go round and round when I go down, down, I mean down there, I must make a vow to God to BE HIS ANGEL SENT FROM HEAVEN
So have you ever wanted to make love, to cling to your partner and drown in heaven? to have sex with no guilt? then the deal is, BE AN ANGEL SENT FROM HEAVEN. We've all got one.....have you found yours?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How much faith.....?

I wish I can start my story right from the day it first started years ago, or is it months ago. I was walking on a dark night in a hood close to mine…if you know NNPC and Jakande Estate, you will know what I mean. I had started living a lonely life long time from then and my companion was something that takes me high up. Away from my immediate environment, you know what I mean…

Ok like I was saying, it all started that dark night I saw the essence of what God is to us human and me. I didn’t want him to slip away again, so I held on fast to it. Ever since, it has been a different story. Although I would like to hear how gradually I have grown spiritually ever since, but I can’t go into details of how it has been because I might be able to give justice to detail but I will check my diary to see.

Today is about the power of faith that I just discovered fully which brings me to say friends, please do be careful with what you say with your mouth, wish for good things at all times. Ever since I really got connected with God, what helped me leveled up with God was my faith in him. That’s what a new convert needs but the big question my experience so has raised is, is my faith strong enough? Do I really believe enough to let God go all the way? Like a friend said faith testing is when God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust him fully and let go, only 1 of 2 things will happen, either he'll catch you when you fall, or he'll teach you how to fly.

Fortunately for me, that was what was discussed in church (and this happens most times when I have issues am going through I go to church and the pastor speaks on it as if he knows that’s the dose I need) and once this questions had been answered, I do a reprogramming of my perception of faith.

So in other to understand it better I travelled far back into time to the days our fore fathers and faith was also tested by God. You will be amazed at what they did in the name of faith. It made the impossible possible for them; but I tell you, it is only when you believe that this things can work for you. I will love you to share an experience where your faith was tested so I can learn from it.

Let me share with you what happened to me last week; but before I go into that I will like to say that there is faith for possibilities. Like Asa sang, you don’t have to climb the highest mountain for all you are looking for is within you…… all you need to do is open your mind and search your heart. Your level of faith determines the level at which things will work for you. Take Ephesians 3 vs. 20 for instance, ‘he has given us the power to think beyond our world and when we believe, it will work for us’. ‘So if you can just but believe, all things will work for you, Mark 9 vs. 10, God said ALL not just half but ALL’. So do me a favour write down the word impossibility down seven times and cross them out like this…. impossibilities impossibilities impossibilities impossibilities impossibilities impossibilities impossibilities

Now start believing that all things are possible for you. I tell you there is nothing too hard for God to do.NOTHING… his miracle with Abraham and Sarah can testify to this. Genesis 18 vs. 14 also confirmed that nothing is too hard for God to do. Jesus said if only we have faith as small as a mustard seed, if we say to the tree be thou casted into the sea it shall happen. But I guess the problem most believers have is understanding and walking in faith. We can start by exploring the men who trusted God in the bible. Joseph Gen 39, Abraham, personally Father Abraham inspires me…lets see together his work of faith.

Abraham in Gen 22 showed us what having faith in God can be like. It means letting go. God tempted his faith, he asked him to sacrifice his only son Isaac whom he love dearly (so don’t think God wont tempt you too just for him to see if you truly love him) in chapter 5, Abraham said to his servant …I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you….why did he say that, despite the fact that he knows God demanded that he sacrifice his son, but I know that he so much have faith in God that he knew God will provide a sacrificial lamb for him. See chapter 7 and 8.

At time when we pray and talk, God himself prophesy to us through our mouth. Here is my experience. I have been believing God for a fulfilling job. I prayed so hard for a good place, and I got one. (Good news right?) But I wasn’t satisfied. I know his plans for me is better than that one, so you know what I did I gave a testimony in church about a new desired job I just got, while I was sharing this testimony, a word came from my mouth he said he will provide a better job for me. Immediately I key into that and you now what I got a good prospect from an advert agency. Though am not working there yet, but I believe he will confirm his word and I know it’s a done deal (God said it, I believe it and that settles it) this is because I know that faith is the cure to all things, it is all you need to connect with God.

So faith does not work by information or fact or what people say around you. It comes by constant hearing of the word of God. ‘Hear his word and let it ring in your head’ Joshua 1 vs. 8. How can you engage faith? I don’t know about you but from my experience, I have come to know that the three major things that makes faith work for us is our heart, our prophesy and our action (Rom 10 vs. 10).

So ever since I know that my heart is the engine room where faith develops and with my mouth confessions are made, things have been fine. So get your heart to think right, it will work for you. Please do share your experience; other people’s experience helps build our faith.

Monday, March 1, 2010

official welcome

..or what can i say? this is an official welcome note from me. it is good that I have this site to shear my opinions, my articles, my day-to-day spiritual experience of God and also an opportunity for my friends to shear their own spiritual experience. am excited right now.