my world

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

An accessory can do a lot more than just its first function.

We have this white writing board in my office; it leans against the wall very close to the ladies. You will see it directly down the aisle as you enter our floor. Like the usual marker board, it has this white glossy layer that you can write on and clean off at will ( they don’t know). This small piece is about this white board on our floor and the fact that the management wants to wants it removed...well not technically, but that’s the story I want to tell. An accessory can do a lot more than just its first function.

Why did I choose a white board you may ask, well, it is very significant to the development of a creative person plus it is our most functional accessory. We mostly use this board during brainstorming sessions, Ideas generated are jotted down on it and selected ones are ticked out. But sometimes, one of our art directors also uses it as his canvas. He draws whatever inspires him on it. This over times as serve as a creative exercise for us, cause as copy writers, we go take a look at whatever is drawn and give it a headline. This game that has helped me overtime, like I said in my previous blog am new to the business and I try as much as possible to exercise my mind and that board has been a great help. The board is like an open mind; words are not hidden but open for everyone to see, pick on or to digest. Originally this board wasn’t where it is now; it sits in an overcrowded make shift storage cubicle in our chill room. I wonder why they call that room chill room cause it’s never, anyways back to our board, it has this black cylinder attached to the lower end, this hold the writing markers and out makeshift duster. I have written on the board quite a number of times, during brainstorming session, when I give a drawing a headline, sometimes I even write jokes too (small laughs).

But why am I saying this.... as a creative person, everything around us should be taken advantage of to help develop ourselves. Sometimes, something as insignificant as a white board can sharpen your writing skills. Give it a try like I’m doing now, a board just inspired a story and writing a story is a good creative exercise. So, that is all about the funny multi-purpose white board on our creative floor.

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